full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alayna Vaughan: Why do some people snore so loudly?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So what puts someone at risk of dloivpeneg ottbusircve sleep apnea? Features like larger tongues, thicker necks, and smaller jaws can make ppeloe more susceptible. Older people are more at risk because, as we age, our soft tissues loosen, further narrowing our airways. Drinking alcohol before going to sleep can cause eixessvce rexoaiatln of our throat and jaw muscles. And one of the main contributors to obstructive sleep anepa is weight gain because more tissue around the neck can constrict the airway.

Open Cloze

So what puts someone at risk of __________ ___________ sleep apnea? Features like larger tongues, thicker necks, and smaller jaws can make ______ more susceptible. Older people are more at risk because, as we age, our soft tissues loosen, further narrowing our airways. Drinking alcohol before going to sleep can cause _________ __________ of our throat and jaw muscles. And one of the main contributors to obstructive sleep _____ is weight gain because more tissue around the neck can constrict the airway.


  1. developing
  2. excessive
  3. people
  4. apnea
  5. relaxation
  6. obstructive

Original Text

So what puts someone at risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea? Features like larger tongues, thicker necks, and smaller jaws can make people more susceptible. Older people are more at risk because, as we age, our soft tissues loosen, further narrowing our airways. Drinking alcohol before going to sleep can cause excessive relaxation of our throat and jaw muscles. And one of the main contributors to obstructive sleep apnea is weight gain because more tissue around the neck can constrict the airway.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
sleep apnea 9
obstructive sleep 8
soft tissues 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
obstructive sleep apnea 6

Important Words

  1. age
  2. airway
  3. airways
  4. alcohol
  5. apnea
  6. constrict
  7. contributors
  8. developing
  9. drinking
  10. excessive
  11. features
  12. gain
  13. jaw
  14. jaws
  15. larger
  16. loosen
  17. main
  18. muscles
  19. narrowing
  20. neck
  21. necks
  22. obstructive
  23. older
  24. people
  25. puts
  26. relaxation
  27. risk
  28. sleep
  29. smaller
  30. soft
  31. susceptible
  32. thicker
  33. throat
  34. tissue
  35. tissues
  36. tongues
  37. weight